Sabtu, 23 April 2011


Adaption, the adjustment of an organism, whether a plant, animal or man, to its environment. Adaption also refers to the ability of a part of the body to adjust. For example, the pupil of the eye automatically adapts itself to the amount of light striking it. It does this quickly, so that within a few second, a person going from a brightly lit area to semi-darkness can see satisfactorily. Humans adapt well, so that they can survive in cold or hot climates, in rainy or dry seasons, and under either sparsely populated or crowded conditions. They can also adapt to stress. The human organs and glandular system enable people to live and work under different circumstances and to relax when the stress conditions are removed. An entire species, human or animal, also may adapt slowly to radically changed circumstances through the process of evolution.

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