Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain, tehnically called abdominalgia, a pain or discomfort in the abdomen which signifies an abdominal disored. Anyone suffering such pain should be cautious about treating it with out a doctor’s advice. Discomfort may be temporary, such as that caused simply by overeating; or it may be serious, resulting from an inflamed appendix, an infection, or a tumor.

Excessive eating, drinking, or smoking can cause abdominal pain. Anxiety, stress, fear, or emotional problems can lead to abdominal pain. If frequent or prolonged, these difficulties may bring about actual damage, for example an ulcerated stomach.

The “stomach ache” a general feeling of discomfort, usually disappears after a few hours. Recurrent or continuing pain, however, should have a doctor’s attention.
Since so many different problems can cause abdominal pain, doctors ask many question when they try to find a cause. Such questions include these:

1. Has the pain occurred before? If so, how often?
2. Does the pain remain in one part of the abdomen? If not, where else does it occur?
3. In which of the six areas of the abdomen does the pain occur: the pit of the stomach; around the navel; in one of the four quadrants (uper right, upper let, lower right, or lower left)?
4. After eating, is the pain the same, worse, or lessened?
5. Is there nausea or diarrhea in addition to the pain?
6. Describe the pain, dull, sharp, crampy, pressing?
7. Is the pain eased by walking, sitting down, lying on the back, lying on the side?

Mild occasional pain may be treated immediately at home. The discomfort of abdominal pain can be relieved by drinking hot strong tea or a cup of hot salty bouillon. Dry toast or salty soda crackers may lessen the pain or the nausea that sometimes accompanies the accumulation of gas or acid. The application of a hot water bottle or an electric heating pad may be helpful.

If the discomfort or pain is severe and continues or recurs, home remedies should be abandoned. Do not take a laxative, since this may not reach the source of the pain at all and may cause serious trouble, as in the case of an inflamed appendix. Even if the pain is not severe but other abdominal area difficulties persist, it is important to see a doctor. For example, the early stages of cancer do not produce much pain, but other symptoms, including loss of weight or bloody urine or feces, may occur. Diagnosing abdominal pain is difficult and complex enough for a physician. Therefore, you should not try to diagnose and treat such pain your self.


Abdomen, the portion of the body between the lower part of the chest and the pelvis. This oval-shaped cavity is separated from the chest by the diaphragm. Heavy muscles protect the abdomen in the front and sides, and the spinal column with its muscles protect it in back. The abdomen is lined by a membrane, the peritoneum. The stomach, large and small intenstines, liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, appendix, gallbladder, urinary bladder, major blood vessels, and nerves lie within the abdomen. Many people call this area by the common term belly.

The function of abdominal organs is the digestion of food, absorption of nutrients by the body, and elimination of indigestible substances and wastes. In the female, the sexual organs are also located within the abdomen, whereas the male sex organs lie adjacent to it.

The abdominal walls not only protect the organs but hold them in place so that they can function properly.