Sabtu, 02 April 2011

Abdominal Supports

Abdominal supports, decives which help to hold abdominal muscles or organs in place. Muscles may become weakened by disease or may become non supportive in old age. Abdominal supports may help to correct such malfunctions, but they should not be used unless prescribed by a doctor who has examined the offending condition.

An abdominal support may be prescribed to relieve backache. The support takes weight and stress off the spinal column, relieving the pain, and helps the individual maintain better posture.

The added pressure on, and resulting sagging of, the abdominal wall during pregnancy can be relieved by a special support.

One of the many complications of over weight is a weakened, strained , and sagging abdominal wall. A support may be advised, but of course, the only long-term relief for this abdominal problem is to lose the excess weight.

A support may be needed temporarily after certain types of abdominal operations. It also may be used in cases of hernia, although here too, a support is not a cure but only a method giving relief.

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